Elite Tackle App
Technology enhancing the science of Strength and Conditioning
Augmented Reality and Strength Training combining together to create a unique training experience, that allows athletes to excel in tackling.
The GAME CHANGER that will get your athlete 1000+ virtual tackle reps in the offseason with instant feedback that will lead to improved and safer tackling
Tackling is the fundamental skill of defensive football but it is often only trained during a limited time frame during the season. This peer reviewed article demonstrates the appropriate strength training technique. Utilizing the latest virtual/augmented reality technology we can train athletes in the art of making the Elite Tackle.
Image and article are from the Strength and Conditioning Journal this website is not affiliated with the National Strength and Conditioning Association
App Benefits
Experience the fusion of technology and expert strength training and coaching in one easy to use app.
Athletes receive real-time feedback on their tackling during the strength training repetition.
Coaches will be able to track their athletes progress and accuracy with hundreds of data points.
The athlete will perform hundreds of virtual tackle reps as part of an organized training session or on their own during the offseason, without tackling dummies or rings.
Athletes will increase their tackling accuracy and efficiency and reduce targeting penalties.
Improving tackling form and technique will help reduce injury.
By recreating the force vectors seen in tackling we can train the appropriate muscle groups used in tackling in the correct way to most closely mimic real life tackling.
Athletes will be able to improve their dynamic tackling without the wear and tear of full contact practice.
This is a sample of what the athlete will see on the screen or googles and the cues he will hear as he performs the tackling strength training program.
The athlete will use his body to control the target on the ball carrier giving him instant feedback about his accuracy when making a tackle.
Contact us today at elitetackleapp@gmail.com
A passion for improving athletic performance and safety
Elite Tackle is a pioneering firm that seamlessly merges athletic performance and technology to redefine athletic excellence.
All ideas presented are the intellectual property of Douglas Tvrdy, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS. & Elite Tackle LLC
Creating an augmented reality training system to improve football tackling form and techniques and making the game of football safer.
Douglas Tvrdy has a long history of combining academics and athletics as a 2000 NAIA National Scholar Athlete in football for Hastings College. A Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist for over 20 years through the NSCA (National Strength and Conditioning Association). A 2004 graduate of UNMC Physical Therapy that has been a practicing Physical Therapist at Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital for over 20 years and has been an Orthopedic Certified Specialist in physical therapy for over 15 years. I have published peer reviewed articles in the Strength and Conditioning Journal and NSCA Coach and serve as an expert reviewer for Sports Health and Physiotherapy Research International. An invited speaker on throwing mechanics at the Omaha Sports Medicine Alliance as well as core strength training at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Recently I was asked to write the chapter “Developing Core Strength and Power” for the NSCA’s Developing Power 2nd edition published in August 2024. Selected for 2025-2026 term by the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties (ABPTS) as a member of the Specialization Academy of Content Experts (SACE) for testing on the Orthopedic Certified Specialist (OCS) exam. I have worked with high school, college, and professional athletes to rehab following injuries. At Madonna Pro-Active I operate the RunWell program, a video analysis and training program for running mechanics. A clinical mentor for the Creighton University Orthopedic Residency Program in Physical Therapy for 6 years and presented on clinical education/mentoring at Creighton University.
Working in conjunction with Don’t Panic Labs to create the next generation of athletic technology software.
Don’t Panic Labs is a leader in software technology
This product is currently in developmental stages